Are you ready to transform your business presentations? 

These on-demand presentation skills training programmes will give you the skills, techniques, tips, advice and confidence to transform the way you deliver business presentations and sales pitches.

Learn when it suits you

At your preferred pace

Enjoy support from other learners

Video / Audio / Checklist / Notes

you will learn how to:

Boost your confidence

Deliver engaging, flowing presentations

Use slides as a prompt not a script!

Use your voice to create impact

Deliver a 'call to action' big finish

Imagine what it will feel like to become a better, more confident, more successful presenter when presenting to existing clients, new clients, to colleagues, to investors, to management and at business events.

The 'transform your business presentations' Course Includes:

All Lessons in Video Format

All Lessons in Audio Format

Checklists -
Summary Notes
-PDF of Slides

Membership of The Stand Out Presenters Club

Plus a mailed copy of Trevor's book >

How To Win More Sales Pitches

Win More Sales Pitches

A sales pitch is a golden opportunity and this course will help ensure that opportunity isn't wasted. It will take you through a series of steps from the construction of your pitch all the way through to gaining a positive decision from those you are pitching to.

How To Get Your Business Presentation Off To A Flying Start

Presentation Flying Start

We all know how important the first minute of your presentation can be. So this short course will help ensure that in that first minute you engage your audience in such a way that they are keen from then on to listen to the whole of your presentation.

How To Be A Confident Business Presenter

Confident Presenter

Many business people either avoid or really don’t look forward to presenting through a lack of confidence and anxiety. This course will help you overcome both of those so that you feel confident and look forward to delivering your business presentation.

Short, Focused Courses - 60 minutes or less - click on the images for a short intro video of each one

all short courses in Video, audio, notes and checklists formats

Your investment - Only £47 per course

Your Course Instructor: Trevor Lee

Trevor has been delivering presentations for over 35 years and now helps others benefit from his experience and knowledge enabling them to become confident, engaging and successful business presenters. Trevor challenges the presenters he works with to focus on their audience not themselves,  avoid too many words on their slides and ensure they have an engaging start and a call to action finish. Trevor is known for his energy, enthusiasm and expertise as he inspires presenters to deliver stand out, impactful and memorable presentations. 

Trevor’s Presentation Podcast and Book

Better Presentations More Sales

The Better Presentations More Sales podcast helps salespeople and business leaders transform the way they deliver business presentations and sales pitches helping them deliver better presentations, win more sales pitches, be a more confident public speaker and attract more sales.

Each weekly 20-25 minute episode is packed full of presenting, speaking, pitching and sales tips, advice and insights from an array of global guests in conversation with host Trevor Lee. In June 2024 it was ranked 2nd in Feedspot’s ‘Best Presentations Podcasts 2024’ global list.

7 Steps to Successful Presentations

7 Steps to Successful Presentations is packed full of tips, advice and ideas to help you deliver better, more confident and more successful presentations and sales pitches.

It will help rid you of presentation nerves and encourage you to look forward to presenting rather than trying to avoid presenting.

It will give you everything you need to prepare a presentation, plan a presentation and deliver a presentation.

All proceeds go to Children’s Hospice South West.